Entries by adam

What Truck Has The Longest Lasting Engine?

All drivers want their trucks to be reliable and their engines to last. A low breakdown rate and lots of mileage require the right engine for the job. When Canadian truck drivers are on the road for 13 hours a day, they need an engine that goes the distance, too! 


What Is The Oldest Trucking Company?

Trucking is a much older profession than most people think. Several trucking companies in the United States are more than 100 years old, and the legacy of Canadian trucking is almost as long. Believe it or not, the oldest trucking companies still around today were formed before trucks became available. They diversified fleets of horses […]

Do Truckers Pay For Their Own Fuel?

Fuel is one of, if not the largest operating expense in trucking. The amount of fuel varies per truck, but a semi-truck can hold between 800 and 1000 litres of diesel. This fuel is pumped into dual tanks that sit on either side of the tractor, giving them the name “saddle tanks.” They make sure […]

What’s The Difference Between A Diesel Truck Mechanic And A Car Mechanic?

When you need help with your diesel truck, who should you call, what’s the difference? Not all engines are alike, and not all mechanics are alike either! Because diesel engines are very different from the typical automotive engine, diesel truck mechanics require different knowledge and a separate set of skills. The past couple of decades […]

Will Changing Fuel Injectors Increase The Performance Of A Diesel Truck?

One of the most important parts of any diesel truck is the fuel injectors. They are sensitive pieces of a semi’s machinery, and often the starting point of many problems you might experience with the engine. But when it’s working smoothly, the fuel injector is what improves the entire truck’s performance. When it gets an upgrade, […]

Are Truck Drivers In Demand In Canada?

Trucking is the lifeblood of many Canadian industries, as just about every major store relies on it to receive new goods from distributors. The reliance on transport trucks is only going to increase, and this means that truck drivers are in big demand in Canada.  The catch? There aren’t enough new drivers joining the fleets. […]

Do Any Large Diesel Trucks Use Automatic Transmissions?

The popularity of manual transmissions in automobiles is dropping sharply, with only about two percent of all cars sold in 2018 being manual. This shouldn’t be surprising: for manufacturers, it’s a lot simpler to put out one kind of car instead of two.  Semi-trucks are a different story, and the percentage of manual transmission trucks […]

How We Guarantee Roadside Truck Repair Safety

Roadside truck repair is an unpredictable job, and our team has to be prepared for a lot of different conditions. This means we’re not just truck mechanic experts, but safety experts too. When the common place to do business is on the side of a busy highway, you had better believe that we take precautions! 

Popular Diesel Diagnostic Equipment

Many drivers believe diesel engines to be easier fixes because the components of most trucks are now controlled with computers. You get the impression that because a diesel engine is computerized, the mechanic should be able to hook up a tool and see what is going on almost immediately. Some specific engine problems are easy […]

How Did Recent Carbon Tax Laws Impact Truckers?

On April 1, 2019, the federal government imposed the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (GGPPA) on the four provinces that had not yet passed their own carbon tax laws – Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and New Brunswick. Now every province is under a carbon pricing scheme, and this will impact what trucking companies will pay at […]