When you’re a transport truck driver, no matter how experienced or well-prepared you are, there’s always the possibility of an unexpected roadside emergency. Unexpected breakdowns and unforeseen mechanical issues can happen at any time. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for anything by knowing what steps to take if such an issue occurs while out on the roads alone. In this post we’ll provide some useful tips about preparing for, preventing, and taking action in the event of a roadside emergency as a transport truck driver. Read more
Tag Archive for: semi-truck
A typical overhaul means giving the engine a new life. While most engines stand up to the test of time through proper care and maintenance, wear and tear will inevitably build up after years of use. You have two choices: buy a new one or have the existing engine overhauled.
Overhauling an engine is a major commitment, but it’s the ideal choice for many situations. Here’s what goes into an overhaul of a semi-truck engine and how you can tell when your truck needs it!
Semi-trucks are built to work: their engines are six times bigger than the average car engine, letting them get over a million kilometres more on average. But can you get bigger than an 18-wheeler here in Ontario? Across Canada, weight standards are pretty uniform, give or take a tonne or two, but the length of the truck can vary.